驷⒛ 攀箨第螂学期蒿 蘧谮蠲中考谶卷
I。 Listening Comprehension(16%)
section A
Directiollls:1n section A,you、 vi】 1 hear tcn short comversations between t、 vo speakers.At the end of each
conversation,a question wi11 bc askcd about、 vhat、Va.s said.’ I·he conversations and the questions will be
spoken only once.AR.er you hear· a con.versation and the qucstion.about it,read the four possible answers
on your paper,and decide、 vhiGit】 one is the best ans、 verto the question you haVe heard.
1.A.8∶ 00, B.10∶ 00。 C,12∶00. E〉,14∶00.
2.A.A receptionist, B,A Gleaner, C.AR elec贫 iCian。 D.A cashier。
3.Adt has eamcd盘 ve stars, B,It is decorated with s铅 rs.
C,Itis not very pop械 aJ, D.Itis rccommemdcd in thc newspaper,
4,A.Thejob ofselling houses, B,T11e price ofthc new house,
c:.′ rhe housc o`vn.eras parents, D.’ The experienGe ofthc house o、 vner,
5.A.Go to the toWn. B· Tour the canapus。
C.Give an intelviclⅣ . D.Visit the schoo1 clubs.
6.A.EImbalTassed, B.Guilty. C.satis亟 ed. D.Annoyed.
7,A.Hc热 嚣允und a goodjob, B.Thejob search is加 s各ating,
C.His resume is well designed. D.He has tenjobs to choosc Erom,
8.A‘ 配takes too long to W· ait for the food. B.lt’ s good to order food盘 om a restaurant.
c.n,s conve:】 ientto orderin on a rainy day廖 I).1t costs much more lnoney to go outto eat。
9.~A。 iFlie is thinking ofbuying a seGOnd-hand car,
B,Hc is havlng a thoro吨 h check on the c猛
C。 He is doubting whether he should buy Ihe car.
E〉 .He is askik1g soincome to 1ook for a bigger ca⒈
10,A令 Hc doesn’ ti隘 oW the quickest Way to the airr9o盛
B,Heimay not be able to征rive at the airportin time,
C.Thetramc is t。 。heavy for him to getto the时 rport,
D.T^c woman shoutd arrive atthe aiFport 40 m贲 nutes earlier.
section B
刃〉且rections:In section iB,you`.冫ill hear t、vo short passages.Viou will be asked thrcc qucstions on eaCh of
the passages,· rhc passages、 7111 be read t`vice,but t虹 e qu-estions 1vi11 be spoken on.ly once,ˉ V0⒎∶hen you hear a
question,read the four possible a11s,w· Crs on youF paper and decide、 v珏ich~one、vould be the best answer to
the qucsdon you have heard.
Ques锐 ons 11 through 13 are based on the fou。 wing passage.
11,A,Why note4aking is impodant. B.How to take notes.
C,W7here to leave spaces and lincs. D.Whattools can be used.
12. A.lⅥlapping. B.Writing, C.Listening. I).Circling,
13,A.They are more enjoyablc md easierto rcad,B,They Gan he1p to add sOme inJonnation lateL
C.They arc important br doingjobs imthe future,D.They are usefulin getting eve0 shgle word said.
磴uestio击 s14 tbrough 16 are base斌 o资 the b1IoWing pass嚣 ge.
14‘ A.DiJerem 0pes ofpo11ution. B.sotne emects ofpo11ution‘
C,′The preVention ofnoise pollutiom, D.1`Toise is a kind ofpollution,
15,A.They can’t be heard allthe time. B,They are not familiarto most people,
C.They only exist in the reFnote countryside. D.They’ ve becOlue a part ofour daily life.
16.A。 tlo nnd。 ut all the sourccs ofnoise po11ution.
lBI.To beCoFne more sensible ofour su【 TOundings.
C.To rcalize the importance of protecting ourselves i巳 :om it.
E〉 .’11o C|hainge th.e way ofrnaking noisc in our no11rna1 1ife.
Ⅱ,Crarlnlar and VoCabuIar9(20%)
1)呻tlo“:RBad the如 IIovll:lg seIl(cnCe岛 nnd Ch∞ £ 伍eb留“mmtrtoCoˉple的 (△e genteoe.
17, Vou haven1期 m a word aboutthe伍 elne oFme Class me讯 吧 .Dand.`吭孜
s your idell9
-ˉ 1’m mso”11_奶 out someulh1B eIse.
A.、够 thinking B.am饭血幽 g C.had thought D,have thought
18.--D1d you rememberto glvc Mary the money you oWed her
ˉ Yes l gaVe△ to hcr_I毁 w heL
A.while B.the moment C.】 f D.()nce
19.she liked the dt⒍ion肛y so inuCh that she Wou1.d1ike to砥 e lt It cost.
A,№WeVer B.whateVer C.nO Inatter how D.how much
20. ltis tue that a student’ s111ost lm.por∞ ot go削.is to do we11i.n his or her s灿 dies,h doesn’ t
n∞ d to be the only gom.
A.△nlen B.As C.Whue D.Befbre
21.-M呷 I go and play呐伍 Dic“on tus m钌nom,Mum
- No,you oan’ t go out alot oFwork isto be done.
A.befope B.unui C.as D,so
22._伍 e precise qualltles of a hero n h侄血 〃 w研 ds m吖 vary oVσ ume,the bas1G OXeimplarV
nulcuon ofthe hero seeI】 s to renlain cons自 nt,
A.Unless B.sinOe C.△△gther D.EVen thougll
23.WhenI wan的 d to show Ⅲyselfup at me party,the song 1~的 many uIllcs suddetuy became
A,aIn praC谊omg B.had prac】ced C.Will be pm.c心 o枥g D,have pragtlced
24.Tho myor ofth时 cb`sa聆 妩at an∞nsm。心on.work nor伍 e new stad】 tlin_by ule end ofthe
next year.
A.has been com.pleted B,has conlpleted
C.will have been colnpleted lD)。 ˉ斌t11 have com,pleted
25,I can’ t stand the noise全 om.the constnlction site.A new road
A.is buildhg B,has built C.is being buin D.is built
26.WVionder,an inspiring and headi、 varming book,aboutAugust Pu11nlan,_quite、 vell across the
A,is sold B。 sells C.is selling I),△ 叮ll bc sold
section B
Directions:Fill in each blank、 vith a proper、 vord given.in the box,IE.ach、 vord can.only be used once.l`Jote
t11at thcre is on.e word more than need.
A.fade B,tcmpt C.torn D,renecti。n
E.context R at订action G.breathtaiking H.expectation
I.maintaining J.oonf、lsing K,harsh
27。 They tried to her into staying with ofFers ofpromotion.
28.Thc sold:哪 .had m nlter。atiVe but to acCept the_J洌 】11es桃前thgy hnd been surounded by
ule enein1es lnthejungle.
29.Cα血玎yto our_小 e was eltninnted nthe nrst⒑l洫d.
30.The Cr饰‘W龃1 s sllch a weuˉknown tolrlst~△ 9at miuigls ofpeop1e vls1t m eVery ye盯 ,
31,Faced W】 th·WO alfem锨ves,mo“ peopb ind地 enso1Ves~beMeen them.
32.In炳s eXercise,a word‘ blmkod out md you血 VC to guess w11at h is by l∞nog mthe_
33.YOur cloules mi.幽 tbe a~ofy()ur persona110,
34,【n weg的mC·ult1res, eye ContaCt n ConV邪 atlons is neces义〃 .A wegtemerIn1gh1 1n血 c1
oonsi.der n laC.k ofeye contact as a laC.k ofhlteFest.
35,We headed for the Nat】ona1 p扭‘whlch is跏n()1B ngr its_scenery,by s。hoo1 bus at 8 a.m,
.e have In.et be】
36.l don’ t thlnk l″ ()】 n,Viou in|ust be Ine lvith sonleon.e else.
【II.Readhg Comprehension(41%)
section A
Directions:For each blank in the fo11owing passage there are fo【 Ir words or phrases marked A冫 :9c and D.
Fill h each bl扭 k with the word or phrase th批 be就 fts the GOntext,
Deliverance(解救)for Delivery Drivers
zooooooooM!!!A gust of葫 △the hum of spinning Wheels,and a nash。 f color Whizing pmt
m sure that we have时 1 stepped into the crosswdh at one time or anothe△ and experle11ced ths sudden,1’
heartˉ stopping_37~,I am,of Go1Irse,re允 rmg to delivery drivers_38~tho峥 crossroads to
deliver takeaway food.
over the past few years,delivery dnveFs have been cnticized,ined,and even二 ~39~for
breaking tamc laws across China.Delivery drivers often_40~red lights,disregard speed limhs,and
pay little attention to pedestrian crossings,But they also onen pay the~41~pFiice-each year,⒒
seems like fatal injuries involvhg delivery drivers are increasing.~42~since delivery driveFs are
usually poorly paid,how much blame do they really deserve for running againstule clock
Well,it~43_to be a complicated issue.ReCent1y an article titled‘ Deli哪 Drivers,st、lCk in
the system” was shared Widely on social media.AGGOrding to姐 e artiGle,~44_between de△ very
serViGcs Ele.me and Meituan has caused eaCh app to take increasingly extreme measures to outˉ do(超过)
the other.This has inGluded the shortening of delivery ume windows,It has been~工 ~45_,h part,
through a combhation of rewards for early delivery and severe punishments for late delivery.Over time,
the platfoms have only hcreased these~46~on dovers.As a resu圮 drivers tnd themse1ves h a
dilemma(左右两难的困境):break tramc laws。 r,in some Gases,lose hundreds ofyuan h e弼 ungs for late
AGOording to sulvcys and reactions online,~47~care much whether their dc1iveries are a few
minutes latc,while most believe that it is not worth risking someone’ s life for,In response,Ele,me and
Mcituan have added a combination of如 a如res to~48~delivery times for slow elevators or bad
weather conditions.
A1曲ougll these new~49_cannot solve t11e underlying problems of intense competition or the
inherent dangers of driving,thcy should,in sonle measure,start reducing soim,e of the pressure on drivers.
In the meantime,as~50_we can heip to make life for delivery oders saner and easieL_51~。 be a
considerate person and don’ tleave them、 vaiting for too 1ong,Ifyou see a food delivery· guy rusihing to、vard
you on an esCalator ori11to a door,consider standing back and letting hilu go trst.An∶ er a11,tlley arc putting
their lives on the linejustto deliver otIr food.
37,A.争ight B,delight C,pain D.sorow
38,A,running B.walking C.rushing D.w盯 ldcong
39.A.arrested B.fred C.blained D,praised
40.A.destroy B.ignore C.obscrve D,internIpt
41.A.evedasting B.draitnatic C.slight D,nnal
42,A.HoweVer B.Nanely C.Indeed D,suFposingly
43.A,decides B,realses c.tu1△s out |D,takes tums
44.A.cOlnparison B.contrast C.colnpetition D.cooperation
45.A.adapted B.achievcd C.adopted D.assumed
46.A.motiVations B,advantages C,pressures D,skills
47.A.some B.few C.many D.we
48,A.reduce B.expand C.narrow· D,extend
49,A。 actions B.behaviors C.features iD.conditions
50,A,hulnans B.consumers C.nriends D.taxpayers
51.A.In one word B,As a result C.For example D.On the contary
Section B
Directions:Read the fo11owing three passages.Each passagc is followed by several qucstions or unnnished
statements.For each of theIn there are four choices n1arked A,B,C an~dI),Choose the one that nts best
according to the infonnation given in the passage you havejust read.
I’here have al、 vays been a lot ofcoin11nonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exerGise,
some people believe that they Cant help putting on weight as they get oldeh while others hold that ifthey
exercising,the△ muscles will tum into勤 t.Here are some more mrhs∶
I’ 11 never 1ose weigh.tˉ I come froln a fat na刀 ni1y·
Wrong!While we canit change the body type we are bom with,we canit blame our genes for making
us fat.Thereis pleinty of evidence that fat11ess 1· un.s in faⅡ lilies,and th.e malin reasoin is that they sihare the
sarne habit ofeating too mu~cll and exercise too li说1ei
Iam钿 because I burn calories s1owIy
Wrong:Fatness is not caused bv冫 a slow metabolism(新陈代谢 ),In fact,although nat people consume
more energy than slim people,they also fail to realize how much they eat” Keeping a dialy can help you
work out your daily food intake m.ore accurate1y.
】狂:xercise is boFing
Wrong!An莎hing wi11 bCcome boring 11~ou do it repetitive1≯ The key is to dcvelop a baimced and
varied program thatls凡 n as well as progessivedfyou emioy a sund吖 walk,take a dderent route.Ifyou
do yoga,try a tai Ghi class.Ifyou like s· ∽ iping,set yourselfa distance or tiln.e challenge。
No pain,no gain
VVirongl Exercise is not ineant 10~hurt,Indeed,pain is your body telling you somethingls、 Ⅴrong,and
continuing to excrCise could lead to serious】 BJury· .You rmay· experience mild discornfort as》`ou beg1n to
cxercise regular1≯ but this is youF body adapting tO烛 e positive changes in your lifcs印 lc and the aches(疼
痛 )should disappear relatively quickly,1fthey do斌 ,Fest and seek medical advice.
52,Ⅵ厂hat does the author think about being fat’
A.【tis the family genes that makc peopie fat,
B。 People arc fa准 because they consume too li试 le energy.
C.A diay ofexercise can preVe△ t people△o1u beco1ning fat.
D,It is the consequenoc ofpeopleis unbalanced limstyte.
53. According to the author,how can、 ve rnake ex.ercise more interesting
A.By taking varied exercise. B。 By choosing sim.ple exeFcise
C‘ B.y doing regular exercise, D,IBy sticking to outdoor exerGisc,
· ’
54. VV.hat is thc器 u|thor.s opiniom about’ No pai尔 ,no gainr in exerc宝 sing
A,iK.eeping nt is esscntia11y a painful cxpcrience.
B.Pa量 n in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goa1,
C.Exercise should be stopped ifcontinuous pain isi胎 lt
D.Getting used to pain leads to positive c焱 amges in your body.
55, 吼 at is the pu,rposc ofthe passagc
A,′rio decl盘 re th.e in1portan.Ge ofk.eepi11gi 1Et.
B,To connrm what haslong been belicvcd about keeping nt.
C.To Olar1卸 somc misunderstandings about免 tness and exercise,
D,To explain so1ne medical fac钅 s about being fat and doing cxercise.
Spamish AJnerican 1nstitute
studcnt Cub Notes
Free and Low Cost Gyms,Health Clubs and Pools
N|YC Department ofparks Recrcation Centcrs
ReGreation Centers∶ The NYC Dep破 ment of Parks has mamy Recreation Centc△ throughoutiNew
York City,Recreation Centcrs omer a wide range ofiec and n1embership programs and se「 氵ices。 some
have indoor swimming pools.A1most a11 have weight rooms,basketball couFts,dance soudios,boxing ongs,
art studios,gaFne roon.ls,etc,
All ReCreation Centers o石er a wide range of programs such as aerobics.dance,tai Ghi,fencing,
com1puter classes, a11d aFt, h冱 any progra】·11s arc flee and open to the general public but Inany require
You do not need to be a New· Viork City resitient to use a Recreation CenteL You n1ay use your annua1
membership at any and a11 Centers,Usc One near the spamish-Ame。 can 1nstitute and then use one near
your horne。
Costs∶ Frcc and mcmbership programs,standard at111ual membership is S50 for Recreation Centcrs
and$75 for Recreation Centers with pools.(Do you know a1yone 55 and older The senior meInbership is
only$10 a ycar,)
standard annual rnen1bers|hipi providcs scllcduled.access to the gyrn.,pooI,aind all the other facilities.
Instructorˉ led cOurscs such as aerobics,n1artial ad∶ s,music,or yoga n△ ay require an additional foe。
Melnbership and Program Infornlation∶ Go to the、 v讷、v.nycgovparks.org home page.On the“ Facilities”
menu,click on“ ’Recreation Centers.’ On the“ Recreation Ccntcrs” pagc,you wi11 End infonnation about
membership and 炙es.You will also see links to Rccreation Facilities by borougll (Bronx,
Brookln,Manhattan,Queens,and St8ten 1sland).
‘ ’
0·n the‘ Facilities· n1cnu,you nlay also玑7ant to check out other NYC.Department of lParks facilities
such as beaches,ice skating rin.ks,nature centeFs,r1In|ning traGiks,socCer nelds,etc‘
Recreation Centers∶ There盯 e several Parks Depar灿 1ent RecFeation Centers in each borough.Aner
you go tO the“ReGreation Centers” page and Glick on a borough,you will nnd a list of the Genters in犰 at
borougil with their addresses, phone numbers, and Web links.The list ·wi11 1ook like that
点)r Manhattan below.Click.on th^c link for a particulaF Center to learn~more about its serviccs,scheduies,
and progra· ns.
56,What special benents Gan an amual member ofRecreation Centers enJOy
A。 Having aCcess to all the facilities all ye打 . B,Expericncing all progralns and scrvices iee,
C,Taking△ ee 1nstructor-lcd courscs, D· Using only the center near your home free.
57,If your parents and grandpaFems(both over siXty)Want to get the membcFships,how much Willthey
A.At least$20.B.Atlcast S120. C.At least$180. D,AtleⅡ t s220,
58,Viou will probably fail to nnd~on t11e蛳 .nycgovparks.org hoimie page,
A.thc cost for various mcmberships B.the locatioms ofrecreations.ce11tcrs
C,the stafand providcd services D.the facilities,phones and、 veb links
Learning a second lmgu驾 e is ticky at my age(and m only gets tougher the longer you waltto open
that dusty FFench book)· Now,in a new study,scien住 sts have pinpo1nted the exact age at whch your
chances ofreachhg numcy in a second language seem to p1u咖 et∶ 10.
私e study,published h thejollmd Cognition,found that n’ s‘hearly impossible” for language learners
to reach nativeˉ level numcy ifthey晚 artleamhg a secomd tongue aner 1o.But th时 doesn’t seem to be
because language ski11s go downh扯 “△tums out you’ re stit learning h晚 .It’sjustthat you rm out oftime,
because yo1Ir ability to leam starts dropping at around 17 or 18 years old,” says study coˉ author Joshua
H姒shom巴 an assi“ mt professor ofpsychology at Boston College.
Kids may be better than adults at learn1ng new Iangtnges for many reasons.Children’ s brains are more
plastic than 1hose of adults, ntea】】ing t】1ey’ rc be·tter a。 le to adapt芭rld扌espond to ne·玖 All` inforlnation.
’ ‘
lea1】】ing involves thc brain changi11g,’ Hartshorne says,’ a11d children’ s brains sccn】 to be a lotFn^ore skillcd
at changing.’
Kids may also 0e more Wi11ing to try new things(and to potentia11y 1ook foolish in the process)than
adults are,I′heir coFnparatively ne· Ⅵ
`grasp on their natiVe tongue nlay also be advantageous,LInlike adults,
who tend 1o dcfault(默 认)1o t11e rules and pa枕 ems of their first language,kids m叩 be able to approach a
new one、vith a blank sheet ofpapcL
'Γhese nndings may seem discOuraging,but it、 vas heartening for scicntists to leanl t⒕ at the critical
pen。 df。r fluent language acquisiuon might be longer than they preViously曲 ought.somc scicntists
believed tmat the boef window closes shortly after birth,while othcrs strctched it only to early adolesoence,
Compared to thosc estimates,17 or 18-Wken^language leaming ability sta燕 sto drop oFˉ seems relatively
People fared be锐er when they learned by immersion(沉 氵曼),rather tha11 simply in a Classroo血 .And
nloving to a place、vhere your desired languagc is spoken is the best、 vay to learn as am adult.Ifthat’ s not am
option9 you can mimiC an immersive cnvironment by nnding W呷 sto h解 e Conversations with native
speakers in their own communities,” Hartshorne says,By doing so,it’ s possible to become GOnversatio狃 a11y
profcient Ⅱ eveB without the advantage ofa child’ s brain.
59.1△ e wOrd‘扭u nmef Ⅱlpnn留aph l b c1oscst1m meming to_
A, 乱ve B.nse c, en.d D,V盯y
60. `丙 hat can be lnnered仓on Joshua FIanshome’ sw·ords
A.A些 lOˉ18 is the加 时】△ne面 kam a seOond language.
B.cmd· en肛etoo yo西唱⒗ g鸦p a seCondlm昏nge,
C,Com〗 I1uluCat1ng wi地 nntlve speake闷 enables ym to llaster dithe 1狙 gmge sklns,
D.Adlllts go b叩 ond the Crit1cal p由 od自‘F learmng a se∞ nd langu钯 c.
61,What m1ghtbe ule M的 n Why adults can’ tteach nmveˉ level n∝mylna爹∞龃 Im四鸭e
A.Adults肛e less hnuenoed by the】 r motheI toogues.
B.AduIts spcndInom tllne responding to neW h血 natlon.
C.Adults ape only too、 m1顶g to expenelloe som汕血g aWkWard lrlthe p的 cess.
D.Adu1的 pre如 r an innelslVe enⅥ romnentto a dassroolll血 1eamtlg a se∞ nd language,
62.The p凼 ageis m胡n1y abo"_.
A.the best age fot1贸lg沮ge 1oarnng
B,锁e approgches to Icamlng a seCond lmglage
c.伍e na。t伍前klds learn a每 cCond1mgnge more cas卸 血m adu1ts
D.why aduits Ileed an mn邮lvc ellVronlllent for second language leamlng
sOc‘】on C
Diremons:Read the hⅡ omng passage.Fiu】 n eac.hb该 nk wi钮 a proper se】1tenCe giVen h ule box.Ilach
seintenCe cain be used on.ce.Note thatthere are two more senten.ces th.an yoˉ un.eed.
A.summer and saturday jobs prepare young people for successm1 Gareers in later lifc,teaching
vital soft ski11s,
B.studems take summcrjobs mainly to cover theiF tuition and this practice is highly
by their parents.
C.That said,holidays,festivals alld time spent with tiends cost money.
D.This moVe comes at atime ofapparent need.
E.so且 ski11s are so esse11tial to s汛 dents’ future career that they have to take summer jobs to
acquire thern.
F,Vacancies can range△ om roles as boring as f叩 cook,to seasond work at atheme park,
The Bieue$ts ofa summler Job
Have you ever had a summeriob For many young people,summer is an exciting period whcrc
education stops and hn bcgins._63~And饰 e very group who hγethetime to benent iom曲 e
mn summer has to oger may not have the fundsto do so.The solution A summerjob.
The concept ofstudents and younger membcrs ofsocie印 being gainfully employcd over the summer
period is not a new one.And曲 crc arc oppo血uities outthere forthose who wantto eam._64~h
mmy cases,由ejobs only pay minimum wages,which may only help you o晚 Butthe money is notthe
only thing t11at’ s gained,
Indeed,when talking abouttheir experiences ofsummerjobs,people said they got
inval-u6ab5le— training” and learnt skills such as pungtuality,tolerance,and the importance ofhard work.
These opportunities are thoughtto be so impo亚 ant曲atthe UK govemment has placcd 20,000 summerjob
vaca11Gies on its Find a Job、 〃ebsitc.
1997,-f6a6ll-iTnhge inp.eormc e42n%ttaog e1 89o6f iyno 2u0n1g4 .pTheoospel ea rew Otrhkei Cnngd iwnhgsi loef sam】dyiJnKg∶ ghoavse mm1noernet trehpaonr th aonl vtehde dseiantc1e1 of
铙e sahrday job.Estcr McVcy bclieves t⒒ is is because young pcoplc are choosing to focus morc On
education rathcr thaJl carning extra money.
1V∶ %o》
Directions:Translate thc following scntenCes into English,using the words given in the brackets,
68,让我们失望的是,他对我们的建议没有作评论。 (Gomment (L))
V Guided Writing(15%)
Direcuons:write an E`nglis⒒ cOInposition in 80— 100、vords according to t.he ins廿 uctions given below in
70.进入高中学习已经有一段时间了,你是否已经适应新的校园生活 请结合自身经历,给以前的
交往等选择 1~2方面进行描述 )
VL Addiltiona1 EXercises(20%)(选 儆 )
section A(10%)
Directions: A∶ aer reading the passage beloW, fill in the blanks to nlake the passage coherellt and
grammatiGally correct,Forthe blanks with a given wOrd,nllin each With thc proper fonn ofthe give且 word;
for the othcr blanks,use one word that best nts each blank.
Cultlre n明泌 团 血茁‘leamed ln hu皿 扭 soClOty A1I ofthe耻 m血欧 t po凼 ofaV hu111m bobtlV`1o逝
culture(71)工~工 ~(pas)o:lto d顶咖 咱 memio灬 堑 m幽 伽 山 洫 or的咖 路咖血 g.FnOII1 thls
Ⅵ硎 poino all huIDail岬 upshavo acumm,CuI饣 uro(72)_(0x“ 时)血 ngrlcuI硎las wo1 8s
Indu血ial馋d sooIθ‘!粥 ,
CuI0m芯 Ilocess町 nor ul。 驷 杭谰 癫 .⒇stenCe ofhuman be1△ gs甾 hII!llan belngg.pm的 cally
(73)— ·1mmsknow,tbln圮 m1u。 角d,atld do b lomod哂 mugh由k吧 part h n sociosuI0ml
叩咖皿.T蚰 前时m.mus we· 11‘Ⅱ|po泅 bysomo we如w山獭 oases,Ⅱ咖
.心 oF of饷,o够哪 ofc助Ⅱdm】
c0工— 佗m。 up apa:ttommmans∞ i睥 In the″ oⅥnce oFMidnapore血 △溉 thedmorof8
ch11d·mshome C习 ~(tel)by local vⅡ Ing添也时血m mt俨典$旷 血伍e血曦 upon,∞如吧
血 o the∞蜘,tle direc咖 nomd地at柳ocmd畹 ,gne aboIIt e妙 “ 嬲 dd md△ 1e other aboW血 y哪
。⒒ u四“ t。 珈书 been的】u】g mib a goup of△ o1v邻 血tb nor。斑 nlg晦 cl皿dmn△ore the gho凼即
(76)工_ (de“ 谊“ |面)by th。 10cal peoplo.InWsd而 形,"路 “咖 d幽【mes】1s助前Ⅱew oFKaEDala
(as血:older c△Ⅱd was m皿斑)andAind《 thcmme梦mnto伍。youn肛 Ghild),
Kalnalaw凼 atem1,1ol∞斑吧 beh色Hhoh四色 a big bnu ofsO扭曲 ing∞昀 ingule咖miders,Cloge
扯K出1由dshoe1s·配 m αme anσther蹦blc‘,rO的m邻 犯uy l效°me敏矶 b吐 蛔 之lueri s协 ,net.gyes
were打i酗 and sharp, human eyes.They were very fond ofraw meat and raw milk.
oradually as uley(78)_龟 et)的0nger,uley begm gong on an fou鸟 md anemards began to nln
on au n。u、 st uke squmels.J1】
Children learn hu〖 ranlm斟ngein伍c莎nle w缈 ey learn o伍σ kind ofhlman behaViour`伍
by(79)~(切 ke)p山n n a cukuralcommum以 They l钥n a Oennu hunan language(80)_
— — cenain klnds ofhu姐 m bellavlou伽 o1Igh地et membership in a cenaln cllltural
section B(10%)
D△∞岱ons:Fiu h each blank wnh a proper word chosen佥 om the box.Eath word can be used omy once.
Note t】1attheFe is one word more than you need.
A. admire B.receptive C.basc D.target l巳 ,exaⅡlining F,1oyal
C.h甘oduCing H.peer I.instmt J.appealhg K.
Have you ever been on socid media and seen yow免 vorite celeboty talking about a product These
promotions might not be tota】 o random,md盯e acmdly see11 as a Vital part ofthe(81)_pr。 cess.
The question is:How do social media hnuenGerslhnuence,what you buy
H11△1an desire for status and making tiends,combmed wiul our need to belong to a group,makes
us(82)~to being isocia11y innuenGed9.co唧 anies onen use that des△ e to have a sLnilar抵 sty1e
to a 9elebrity we(83)~to hawk orlaunch a product,so,what do these promotions actua11y do
Firstly they Gm be used to bund brand awareness.A social media innuencer should havc a
strong understanding ofthe platform they operate on,and伍 erebre can create(84 Content that
not only sticks to the bFand imge,but sparks their noll。 wew interests h a productthey might never have
seen benore.
seGOndWnnuencers can mprove a compmy orproductis relationship withtheir customer
(:5)一 ·AGcording to h Momentis 2018 Us Retail CX Trends Report on customerloyd饥 77%of
buyers have been brand(80~for m。 Fe than ten years.1hs is dso true of60%ofmillenm甜 s.A
popular celeb蛀 钞can(87)_key dem。 grap△cs(顾客族群)and talk or blog about a produc1 which
Gan cre|豳 a(n)(88)__and lasting bond with the co“ umm
hs】为hⅡuen臼阝can mprove customeF buymg habits with seemingly‘ unbiased opinions’ .We
are mope likely to respond to‘ (89)~rec。 n1mendation’ than订a献】onal adsp meammg the无 ct We see
an h由hencer as al△ iend’ Can make us Iess likely to be doubtful about what we are· see1ng.so,ifyou f.nd
yomelf(∞)__a product youive seen on soci耐 medi△ you may well have been innuenced.
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